The Populace of Perfidious Albion
Master Jamie
Clerk |
Master Tomas
Exchequer |
Knights and Squires |
Sir Alastair Saunders
Head of the Order |

Lady Magdelene Saunders
Sir Finn Gunnarsson
Sir Finn's squire
Sir James Allanson of Carlyle

Benedict Saunders
Sir James' squire
Sir John Lyon
Sir Charles

Aengus Óg mac Dhòmhnaill nan Eilean
Sir Charle's squire
Sir Arni Grimson |

Lettice Saunders Head of the Order of the Golden Spydere |
 Lady Magdelene
Head of the Order of the Whyte Sparrow |
Sir Alastair
Head of the Order of
the Scarlet Wyrm |
 Benedict Saunders Head of the Order of the Purple Peacock |
 Sir John Lyon Head of the Disorder of the Green Parrotte |
Other Offices
 Sir John Lyon Head of the Guild of Musicians |
 Benedict Saunders Lord Badger, King Of Arms |
MaggieChampion of the Realm |
 Lady MagdeleneMistress of the Wardrobe |
 Lettice Saunders Herald |
Sir Alastair Saunders Master at Arms
Constable of Dun Eidyn
General Populace |
Lady Ariane |
Master Ingram |
Mistress Ingram |
Aesa Einarsdottr |
Ivar Stainson |
Eleanor |
Maud |
Derek |
Anne Yaroslavna of Kiev |
Findlay |
Emily |
Maria |
Arlene |
Sarah |
 Devorgilla |
 Guy Elmslie Swordsmith |
alphabetical list of persona names:
(see also The Chronicles)
Those seeking a suitable name for a persona might like to look at This List
Aebbe (Saxon) : Cherilyn
Aelthroth (11th Century Saxon) : Andrew (Drew)
Aelthroth (6th Century Anglian, husband of Ecghild): AJ
Aesa Einarsdottr : Devon
Aethelwulf Draca - Sir (11th Century Angle) : Dominic
Aethelwynn (Saxon, squire to Lady Ragnhild) : Madeline
Alastair Saunders - Sir (16th - 17th
Century Highlander, husband of Magdelene) : AJ
Aldis Jorundsdottir (Viking, foster daughter of
Ragnhild) : Edith
Alexander Wallace - Sir (13th Century
Scot) ) : Iain
Alice Hale - Devon
Athanaric Warinhari (10th Century Visigoth) - Oliver
Andrew Montgomerie - Sir (husband of Lady
Anne): Andy
Aengus Óg mac Dhòmhnaill nan Eilean - Joshua
Ann Elliot (15th Century Border Reiver, daughter of
John and Mary Elliot): Hazel
Anna (Byzantine) : Cherilyn
Anne Yaroslavna of Kiev : Deana
Anne Collet of Carshalton : Jean
Anne Montgomerie - Lady (wife of Sir
Andrew) : Jean
Anslem von Corvey (10th Century Saxon monk) : Marcus
Arinbjorn Skeggisson : Andrew
Arnferth of Streneschal : Andrew
Arni Grimmsson - Sir (11th Century Viking
scribe, son of Ragnhild, Member of Sir Gunnar's Household): Nicky
Arthur (squire to Sir Finn) : James D
Asleif Olafsdottir (Viking) : Eleanor
Asta (Viking) : Cherilyn
Ashildr Gunnarsdottir (11th Century Viking, daughter of
Gunnar and Ragnhild)
: Mairi
Athanaric Warinhari (Dark Ages) : Oliver
Atli Afstordallur - Sir (11th Century Viking) : Iain
Ava verch Arvan ap John : Ruth
Benedict Saunders (16th Century Scot, squire to Sir James, son of Sir Alastair and Lady Magdelene) : Arden
Bledri ap Iwan (Welsh, squire to Sir Alastair) : Charlotte
Bard Erikson (10th - 11th Century Viking,
squire to Sir Arni): Gayle
Cassandra (16th Century English) : Jenny
Charles - Sir (16th Century Scot) : Rowan
Claire de Vime (12th Century Norman) : Clara
Corwyn of Ambrose - Sir (10th Century Strathclyde) : Neil
Devorgilla (13th Century) : Amy
Ecghild - (6th Century Anglian, wife of Aelthroth) : Nicky
Eleanor (15th Century Scot) : Jane
Eller of Pennington : Daniel
Emilia of Lancaster : Emily
Fenland : David P
Finn - Sir : Gary
Fion Tormunsdottir (11th Century Viking,
sister of Gunnar, married to
Hrolf) : Fiona
Freydis Haraldsdottir (Viking) : Jane
Gertrude : Laura K
Gregor of Luxembourg : Gregor
Guinever : Sharon G
Gunnar Ragnarsson (Viking) : Stuart
Gunnar Tormundsson - Sir (11th Century Russ
(Eastern) Viking trader, raider, mercenary and traveller, husband
of Ragnhild Askillsdottir ) : AJ
Guy Elmslie (16th C swordsmith) - James E
Gwyn ap Hywel (8th Century Celt) : Katrin
Gwenneth of Isca (6th Century Celt) : Gayle
Halfdan the Brown : Graeme N
Halla Ylrasdottir (9th-10th Century Scandinavian) : Raila
Henry Elliot (15th Century Border Reiver, younger brother of John): Nicky
Hrolf Arnorsson - Sir (11th Century Viking
warrior) : Neil
Ibn Ayyub
al-Qurtubi (Saracen) - Omar
Ieuan ap Arthur ap Ardur (6th Century Celt, squire to Niall) : Robin G
James (squire to Lady Ragnhild) : James H
James Allanson of Carlyle (formerly squire to Lady Magdelene) : James L
James Stewart (16th Century Scot) : Gary
Jofreda (10th Century Viking) : Jo
John Elliot (15th Century Border Reiver,
husband of Mary) : AJ
John Lyon - Sir (formerly squire to Sir Gunnar) : Robin W
John of Peter's Borough (squire to Lady Magdelene): TJ
Kyril Levski ot Troyan : Andrew
Leif Haraldsson (Viking) : Jane
Leofgyth (6th Century Anglian daughter of Aelthroth and Ecghild) : Mairi
Leofwyn (6th Century Anglian daughter of Aelthroth and Ecghild) : Hazel
Lettice Saunders (16th Century Highlander, daughter of
Alastair and Magdelene) : Hazel
Magdelene Saunders - Lady (16th Century Italian, wife of
Alastair): Nicky
Maggie (16th Century musician) : Tori
Martin (late 15th Century warrior): Jenny
Mark of Norwich (11th-12th Century English Norman): Mark
Mary Elliot (15th Century Border Reiver, wife of John): Nicky
Mary Elliot (known as little Mary,15th Century Border Reiver, daughter
of John and Mary Elliot): Mairi
Mary Saunders (16th Century Highlander, daughter of
Alastair and Magdelene): Mairi
Mathilda of Kent - Claire
Matilda de Borg (11th-12th Century English Norman): Sarah
Michael Theophanes (Byzantine) : Stuart
Morfydd (8th Century Celt) : Katrin
Mungo Dalrymple : Iain
Neil Armstrong (15th Century Border Reiver) : Neil
Nia Mhor (6th Century pagan Celt) : Nicolle
Niall MacIochaidh (Iron Age Celt from Briganties) : Neil
Oleg Gammonbani (Viking): Andy W
Otto Von Gratz : Chris
Padraig de Courcey : Caitlin
Padraig o' Brudair (Celt) : Eireann
Padraig of Harpelstane : Eireann
Philip: Klaus
Quivox (13th Century Celt) : Peter
Ragnhild Askillsdottir (11th Century
Western Scottish Viking settler and trader, wife of Gunnar
Tormundson) : Nicky
Raymond Fitzdrogo (Sir), 12th-13th Century, Outremer.: Andy
Rhodri of Flint - Sir (10th - 11th Century
Celt) : Graeme F
Rhys ap Gweran ap Mathonwy : Hugh
Rhys ap Pedr - Simon
Robert (12th Century Norman) : Jenny
Robert McIain (16th C Scot, squire to Sir Alastair) : Robin W
Rutger Dionissen (Viking, squire to Sir Finn) : James D
Siobragh (Celt) : Sharon W.
Sitean an Dorcha (6th Century pagan Pict) : Ulrite
Stephan Locagos (Byzantine) : Andy W
Thorn of Antioch : Eireann
Tostig (Viking) : Laurie
Vigdis Gunnarsdottir (11th Century Viking, daughter of
Gunnar and Ragnhild)
: Hazel
Wolfgang Adolphus Jaeger (German landesknect) : Dominic
Ymma : Eva
Zbyszko of Gniezno (travelling Court Musician from Polonia) - Simon